Thursday, February 27, 2025

Dem Kids is 8


2016 was a banner year us. Lawton was born in Tampa and James was born in Saint Louis. Both boys turned 8 in 2024. They mark time for me as I recall some of those special moments that just kind of happen. 

Lindsey brought Lawton to Saint Louis to see Andrew Morstein in the Saint Louis Opera Company's production of The Barber of Seville. During that weekend visit Lawton showed his creativity in Papa's apartment studio. He created a mosaic that turned out to be a cardinal. 

Visiting New Jersey for Father's Day weekend over the Summer I was able to enjoy a trip to Purple Glaze in Asbury Park with James and Ben.  

Meanwhile, Dave Shogren honored Wes Morgan Mosaic Art with a commission for cover illustration for his CD Album release. 

I was most fortunate to receive and accept an invitation to Sally Gross Bat Mitzvah in Boston (Newton) on March 1, 2025. It created a perfect opportunity for me to to roam the halls of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. The Bat Mitzvah itself was nearly 3 hours long but I had to express to the Rabbi gratitude for making the occasion joyous and welcoming for me (Catholic from Saint Louis).

Lawton is a ball of energy who started referring to me as "old man" as in "come on old man". He also conned me into drafting a Will in which I promised him: NOTHING. Ha. His mom made sure he got to see a number of historic sights and more than sufficient experience to please his teacher with a Power Point presentation. 

James smiles with a show of a missing baby tooth. He fits in with cousins and all at the kids table. I was compelled to grab his shoulders and look him in the eye to say, "James, You are amazing!"
at the busy Bat Mitzvah party venue. His response: "Why?" Therein it a point of difference between 8 year-olds. One would recognize such a compliment with a shrug and an implied "I know" and the other is just starting to find his super power. 



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