Well, we did it again. The American Marketing Association of Saint Louis once again held our annual golf event at Creve Coeur Golf Course. This year the field included teams from Robert Half and Steady Rain.
Randy Niederer managed to win with a low net score of 38. Daryl Vandiver won the B-Flight. Lachlan Cook of Steady Rain team won the closest to pin on #2 and Long Drive on #8 (and, by the way, his wife fell in love with a cat that may soon be added to the Cook household).
It was a beautiful day and a memorable round, Thanks to all who participated in this event. (Dave Cox, Randy Niederer, Dave Shogren, Tom Nieder, Kathy McGuire Mullens, Andrew Mullens, Marco Tocco, cameo by Eric Rhiney and incoming first lady, Tyler Kelly, Steady Rain foursome, Robert Half foursome, Daryl Vandiver, John Fortner, Tom Nenninger, and pre round cameo from Mark Bretz).
Congratulations to Lachlan Cook on wining closest to the pin on #2 and long drive on #8. Closest to the pin on #9 went to Andrew Mullens.
Note: Yeah that's Randy kissing the trophy last year and he wins again this year. Photo being presented with our goofy trophy this year on 6/28/2024.
Notes: Maybe Fortner can get Bender back as sponsor in 25. Sorry other obligations/circumstances prevented appearances by Mogley, Shaughnessy, Perry Drake, John Grizzell resulted in RSVP regrets. Maybe next year.