Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Up Close & Personal

Maureen Jennings is a graphic designer with a taste for art. Wes Morgan is marketing impresario who is currently pursuing a new career path as an educator with the special school district. He admits he is a bit of an "art junky" too. Maureen and Wes share the honor of representing a dedicated corps of docent volunteers at Laumeier Sculpture Park in Sunset Hills. They find themselves in this role as fans of contemporary sculpture. Over a cup of coffee, the docent co-chairs agreed that it might be fun to generate a sort of blog-challenge. The challenge is open to all Laumeier Sculpture Park docents, friends and guests. Docent responses will be recognized at the September 12, 2014 Laumeier Sculpture Park docent meeting.

Here is the challenge. Name the artist for each of the four (4) the sculpture close-up images below. If you are stumped we’ll be happy to share the answers in September. In the meantime, we'll see you at the park! 

Docents are welcome to comment on this BLOG or submit their own articles to share with the group. Right now this initiative is still in the ideation stage. Maybe someday soon it will have its own home. We love the idea of having a digital forum for observations, tour highlights/stories, suggestions and more. Feel free to leave your comments here or contact your docent co-chairs. Of course, all comments are welcome from friends and others interested in our challenge. (But get your answers in by September 12, 2014). 

a.       Fletcher Benton - Donut No. 3, 2002
b.      Sol Lewitt - Intricate Wall, 2001-04
c.       Mark Mennin - Cores for Laumeier, 2003
d.      Cosimo Cavallaro - Knots, 1996

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Maureen Jennings for the close-up photo details. I wonder if anyone will get all four right. In this case I think 75% is a pretty good grade.
