Sunday, March 17, 2013

Welcome to Casey's Cave

Sitting around the dining room table at Casey’s; Kathy, Kat, Ferrell, Vicky and myself; we are ready to talk business about ExecLink. Terry sent his regrets because he’s working on a contract basis with a software development client in Illinois (across the river).  Our leader is at the head of the table and ready to conduct business. This was not the president’s first choice for our board meeting, but he is gracious none the less. Casey’s home is pleasant and comfortable. In this Ballwin neighborhood this evening, it seems the only sound is the clamor of our little business meeting. Casey’s wife said hello before heading upstairs.

Our meeting comes to order. Casey offers updates on the composition of our board. We might like to add two more he says. He yields the floor to Kathy to give a member update and some news on our event registration procedure. A natural segue on costs allows Ferrell to jump to the treasurer’s report. All are in agreement that we are not yet in a position to charge annual membership fees to the 650+ we have on our roster. The meeting structure relaxes enough to cover a few thoughts on one new website, marketing, sponsorship, speakers and future venues. A motion to adjourn is seconded and our business is complete within the space of an hour.
The subject of the cave comes up as we begin to disperse. Kat and I follow Casey down the stairs to find out what it is. I expected a haven for sports viewing with a big-screen TV and a fully stocked wet bar, but that was not it at all. This cave is a remarkable display of memorabilia that is a feast for the eyes. The room is small with a 360 degrees of collectibles arranged carefully. It is a work of art and a celebration of life itself. The curator of this museum makes sure that every inch of his approximately 200 square feet is neatly arranged and dust-free. There are Kurt Warner bobble-head dolls, NASCAR die cast cars, a couple of file cabinets, spaces dedicated to displays of buttons, coins, action figures, Olympic Pins, baseball memorabilia, more than 200 beer steins.
Clearly a person could peruse such a place for hours. Our guide talks about a few of his favorites: A retrospective of personal cell phones spanning three decades (telecom specimens that reminds us of how fast technology is changing); A Stainless steel NYC subway strap, installed and hanging perfectly, allows you to imagine a bumpy trip downtown. A coconut monkey sits proudly on a shelf in the middle of it all. The purchase made during a tropical vacation with his wife. “It was just 50 cents. I just had to have it,” he says. The room is a collage, the art of assemblage, almost a decoupage,  a masterpiece, parts of which consist of holiday and birthday gifts from his children.
In all, the room is a glimpse inside the life and mind of Casey himself, a wonderful cornucopia of tokens that are recognition of travel, business, family and friends. It’s a tribute to colorful memories and simple pleasures. Thanks for showing it to us Casey!     

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