Sunday, July 29, 2012

American Marketing Association

A plug for the AMA - St. Louis Chapter

The AMA is a professional association for individuals and organizations leading the practice, teaching and development of marketing knowledge worldwide. Our principle role is to serve as a forum to connect like-minded individuals and foster knowledge sharing, provide resources, tools and training and support marketing practice and thought leadership around the globe.

The American Marketing Association (AMA) was established in 1937 by visionaries in marketing and academia. Today, the AMA has grown to be one of the largest marketing associations in the world, with over 30,000 members who work, teach and study in the field of marketing across the globe. As the leading organization for marketers, AMA is the trusted go-to resource for marketers and academics. We are counted on as the most credible marketing resource where our members can stay relevant with knowledge, training and tools to enhance lifelong learning and obtain valuable information and connections. The AMA is constantly innovating and evolving, helping to shape the field as well as keep abreast of the changing global marketplace to help our members excel in their careers. No other organization provides more ways for marketers and academics to connect with the people and resources they need to be successful.

Membership entitles you to active participation The St. Louis chapter events and savings on a full calendar of programs. AMA St. Louis offers a variety of ways to get connected, learn about best practices and advance by becoming a better marketer. More information on AMA membership offerings and benefits can be found on our our local chapter website in St. Louis at or the AMA International Headquarters website at or better yet ask a chapter board members. If you want to be a better marketer, we want to help you. 

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